
25 July 2018

How does life look through the 'pleasure, passion and purpose' lens?

Life is filled with difficult choices about what one should do with one of the fundamental resources - time. Many people choose to go down a path that involves the greatest fiancial reward for them. In some ways I have been down this path. After university, I found myself in the finance industry. I was largely a contract worker, so I wasn't really totally immersed in the 'game', but certainly I learned a lot about how certain choices can lead you to where you are. There are potentially some big financial rewards in this industry, and I'm sure some people do genuinely love it, but ultimately it was not right for me. So here I am learning to code! I am hoping that coding opens up new doors for me, with hopefully an element of creativity involved in the work I end out doing. Potential work flexibility is another big tick regarding the IT industry for me. I believe coding can bring me a better work-life balance, more happiness at work, indeed - pleasure, passion, and purpose!

From the 'discovering values and higher purpose' exercise - What are your core values? What do you stand for?

  • Honesty
  • Compassion
  • Diligence
  • Belief in the power of real art

  • I stand for: peace and love, respect towards animals and nature, real and meaningful relationships, and truth and happiness.

    How did you find the resilience ideas and meditation exercise?

    The ocean analogy resonated with me, in regards to happiness, calmness, and resilience. Even though I experience failure and negative emotions on a daily basis (there is a lot of failure involved with learning to code, and coding in general), I know deep inside my ocean there is stillness and tranquility.

    It is interesting to make yourself aware of negative emotions whilst meditating. Being aware of something makes it more real and tangible, and allows you to process it and work through it better. Visualising the negative emotions also helps you see the opposing side more clearly - the positives.

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